State Route 155 Roundabout
State Route 155 Roundabout
The project will construct a roundabout on State Route 155 (Garces Highway) in the City of Delano at the intersection of Fremont Street and Garces Highway.
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Project Description
The proposed project will construct a roundabout on State Route 155 (Garces Highway) in the City of Delano, approximately 30 miles north-northwest of Bakersfield in Kern County at the intersection of Fremont Street and Garces Highway (PM R0.04).
The City of Delano and the other communities surrounding the project site are among the most disadvantaged in California. Thus, this project is an opportunity to advance equity and address past injustices in these communities.
Caltrans Traffic Operations initiated this project to help with the flow of traffic on Garces Highway and promote reduced speed which would augment overall safety.
This Caltrans project is funded by the State Highway Operations Protection Program (SHOPP) for the current phase. Future project programming is subject to California Transportation Commission (CTC) approval.
Project Need
The project is needed because the Fremont and Garces Highway intersection presents operational and safety challenges, including vehicle delays on the minor approaches and limited pedestrian mobility.
The Delano Roundabout project will improve operational performance by reducing conflict points at the Fremont Street and Garces Highway intersection in the City of Delano. In addition, the main purpose of the project is to improve safety, enhance the overall flow of traffic and ultimately promote pedestrain mobility at the intersection. Other planned improvements include adding a crosswalk across Garces Highway.
This Caltrans project is funded by the State Highway Operations Protection Program (SHOPP) for the current phase. Future project programming is subject to California Transportation Commission (CTC) approval.