Ruta estatal 32 Orland Calles completas
Ruta estatal 32 Orland Calles completas
El Distrito 3 de Caltrans (D3) propone un proyecto de calles completas en el condado de Glenn a lo largo de la Ruta Estatal 32 (SR 32) en y cerca de la ciudad de Orland desde la Interestatal 5 hasta County Road N.
La participación del público es una parte importante del proceso de planificación y desarrollo del proyecto. Caltrans ha creado este sitio web para que sirva como recurso para compartir información sobre el proyecto y recopilar comentarios. A medida que el proyecto avance, esta página se actualizará con nueva información.
Español / Español
Project Overview
SR 32 is a two-lane conventional highway that passes through downtown Orland and includes multiple traffic signals and turn pockets.
The project proposes to implement complete street improvements along SR 32 (also known as Walker Street) through rehabilitation of existing sidewalks, new sidewalk connectivity, adding bike lanes, addressing nonstandard Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) features, upgrading pavement and drainage systems, adding wayfinding signs, intersection improvements. (Caltrans Project Number: 03-1N200)
Project Purpose
The purpose of this project is to improve complete streets infrastructure, perform intersection improvements at 9th Street and Tehama Street, and improve drainage systems.
Project Need
Complete street features along this route, such as sidewalks, have deteriorated and have connectivity gaps. There is a lack of existing infrastructure for additional modes of active transportation, such as bicycling or walking. Existing ADA curb ramps are not compliant with the latest standard. Drainage systems in the area have deteriorated due to age and will require rehabilitation or replacement to restore functionality. Additionally, the City of Orland has identified multiple locations around the downtown area that experiences frequent flooding and excessive gutter flow. The existing pavement is cracking and deterioration. The city has indicated a need for intersection improvements to calm traffic exiting the freeway.
The City of Orland shared the Walker Street Master Plan with Caltrans that showcases the city's vision for Downtown Orland. In collaboration with the City of Orland, Glenn County Active Transportation Plan, and Caltrans' assessment of needs on SR 32, Caltrans is working closely to ensure the project aligns with those goals and community needs.
The project is currently funded for Project Initiation. Caltrans D3 will be seeking 2026 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funding for the remaining phases of the project and is subject to California Transportation Commission (CTC) approval.