State Route 135 Los Alamos Connected Community Project
State Route 135 Los Alamos Connected Community Project
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to construct pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure to connect residential areas to downtown community corridor and to Olga Reed Elementary School on State Route 135 from 0.1 mile south of the U.S. 101/135 separation to Den Street at post mile 0.73 in Santa Barbara County.
Spanish / Español
Purpose & Need
The Los Alamos Connected Community Project will provide constructed pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure for 0.73 miles of SR 135 to connect residential areas to the downtown community corridor and Olga Reed Elementary School in Los Alamos. Gaps in existing sidewalks and bike lanes, sight-distance challenges, and a lack of designated crosswalks deter people from walking or biking between residential areas and downtown amenities. This project will reconnect the community whereby driving would not feel like the only viable option to access between the east and west sides.
The Los Alamos Connected Community Project will benefit the community by increasing walking and bicycling, dedicating space for bicyclists, providing new intersection lighting, and providing a safe, convenient and comfortable active transportation corridor for people of all ages, abilities, and incomes. It will also provide safe routes to school and safe routes for seniors.
County of Santa Barbara
Funding and Cost:
Fund Source: State Funds
Measure A: $450,000
ATP Grant: $8,075,000
This project is funded through the California Transportation Commission by a Cycle 6 Active Transportaiton Program Grant, with a Financial Contribution from the County of Santa Barbara.
State Route 135 Los Alamos Connected Community Project: Environmental Document
Caltrans prepared a Draft Initial Study with, Proposed Negative Declaration for this project. Public engagement is an important aspect of the environmental process. Caltrans invites you...